Frankoy D.A. | Al Prana - Frankoy D.A.

Al Prana / Case Study

Al Prana

Starting Point: A PranaFlow yoga teacher is starting up a yoga center. Trained as well in many disciplines, she needs to clarify the offer and create a brand, which will stand out in a highly competitive sector of the Plateau Mont-Royal.



Strategy: How to stand out in a discipline and an area where yoga is already very accessible? Which aspects of the client skills should the service offer be based on? In a highly competitive market, what tone should the brand be given to make it stand out? How can various services be integrated to the brand without diluting it?

Name: What words should be used when all the terms associated with yoga are commonly used in brands all over the world? How can the various cultural influences of the client (European, Moroccan, North American and Oriental) be reflected?

Logo: How can the different references and traditions of the owner be represented in a signature? How can a great brand be produced without losing the finesse and subtlety expected from a discipline like yoga? It will be essential to create a signature that will strongly stand out in a highly competitive sector.


Strategy: Only PranaFlow yoga will be taught at the center. The client’s various interests will be regrouped in a service offering complementary lectures and trainings focused on mind and body harmony. A warm and exotic setting will reflect the qualities of the brand.

Name: The name Al Prana is a unique synthesis of several languages. It reflects very well the owner’s multicultural influences. Al Prana means ‘The Prana’ or ‘Which comes from Prana’. ‘Al’ solemnly introduces the sacred breath at the origin of all life. Al Prana brand is exotic and familiar, while remaining unique and charming as well as strong and melodic.

Logo: It combines a graceful calligraphic trace to distant origins with modern and strong Western typography. The symbol evokes a spiritual vocation supported by a solid typography representing the solid foundation of its teachings. In harmony with the mission, the orange color gives the center energy and vitality qualities.