Frankoy D.A. | Festival des traditions du monde de Sherbrooke - Frankoy D.A.

Festival des traditions du monde de Sherbrooke / Case Study

Festival des traditions du monde de Sherbrooke

Starting Point:  This major popular event of the Eastern Townships (QC) wishes to renew and update its image after 16 years of growth and increasing popularity.



Identity: How can the identity of a popular event be updated without disturbing a brand that distinguished itself during years of uninterrupted growth. How can absent qualities be identified in the brand expression?

Image: How can an image be changed without chocking? How can the sense of familiarity of thousands of visitors and stakeholders be maintained? How can a long name be adapted? How can the unique qualities of an event that has constantly been updated be better expressed?

Experience: How can distinguishing the event from other festivals become an empowering process? How can important underrepresented qualities of the festival experience be highlighted?


Identity: The main qualities of the festival are now based on a clear personality. This intercultural festival will express from now on a unified communication at all levels.

Image: An inclusive multicultural image allows the event to distinguish itself better from its competitors through the representation of an inviting festive composition. Colour and movement are now matching up a lively colourful event, and the logo comes with a vivid colour palette.

Experience: A more colourful immersive experience now fully promotes the qualities of this dynamic intercultural event. The qualities are brought in the same way in all site aspects and festival communications. This updated event personality will guide all future developments.