Interactivism / Case Study
Starting point: A young professional with marketing savvy creates a very popular personal blog (between 2000 and 4000 visits per day). Inspired by this success, she decides to offer consulting services in Web marketing. She requires a complete Brand Identity Case Study to launch her business.
Identity: The social media universe is vast, quick and fast changing. What are the specific fields of activity of the company?
Image: The client is involved in health and environmental awareness campaigns; is it possible to translate these concerns into commercial objectives? What are the applicable values?
Offer: What is the niche? What are the services? How can the message be articulated?
Identity: The name combines activism with social media interactivity. The subtitle emphasizes the personal attention given to Web Identity Services of entrepreneurs and users.
Image: A refined, articulated and relevant image is established through minimalist and elegant visuals with technological colors.
Offer: To help local companies gain a foothold on the Web by enabling them to grow their business and maintain growth, a range of five customized and specific services is offered.