Frankoy D.A. | BRAND NAMES - Frankoy D.A.

BRAND NAMES / You're Branded

The name Consentia, Social Responsibility, evokes “doing together” and solidarity. It is a feminine and collective affirmation, with a quiet and assertive strength. We find in it consensus, consciousness, consent, permission and sensitivity. These powerful concepts based on a conscious and voluntary choice embody the moving force for social responsibility. Three melodic syllables embody a brand both bright and soothing, and the human well-being that it wants to serve.


A combination of cultures and languages, Al Prana means ‘The Prana’ or ‘Which comes from Prana’. Prana is the Life Force or Cosmic Energy. ‘Al’ solemnly introduces the sacred breath at the origin of all life animating the body and the entire universe. While remaining unique, it has an exotic and familiar ring to it. Al Prana brand is graceful as well as strong and melodic thanks to its vowel openings and steady rhythm.


Self-explanatory, direct and accessible, Herbes Orford is a name that emphasizes the nature of the products rather than the gardens producing them, and at the same time it indicates their location. The name Orford adds sophistication and an ancestral credibility. This combination of words leaves very little room for misinterpretation. In addition, it is easy to remember and communicate.


The name Festival cinéma du monde de Sherbrooke has a clear, strong and memorable communicative core in “cinéma du monde”. The ‘cinema’ is the world of directors, screenwriters and all the talents on which rests this art form. In addition to defining the international nature of the program, the word “monde” refers to the notion of “people”. By its reference to Festival des traditions du monde de Sherbrooke, the name stands out in the cultural landscape of Quebec film festivals. It announces a major cultural event. It also maintains the focus on international and intercultural encounters. The festival exudes a distinct and unique mark on the provincial scene, from its inception.


“Festivals du monde” sets a clear and concise scope of its activities: intercultural popular festive gatherings. While maintaining a sense of belonging to the “Festival des traditions du monde”, it allows future stakeholders of the “Festival de cinéma du monde de Sherbrooke” to get a sense of belonging in this family of brands. The brands are unified around a common experience of events: the festival. The word ‘monde’ brings to cultural references an international scope. Identified with a long success history, “Festivals du monde” will be immediately recognized and established from the start.


Direct, personal, punchy and specific, the “Make My Desk” phrase is dynamic. It calls for action. Reflecting the brand identity, it turns a sometimes complex “creative” production into a simple and friendly “making” process. The reference to the classic Clint Eastwood catchphrase “Make My Day” increases this impression. It makes the brand easy to remember.


The brand name combines two seemingly incompatible words. It stresses the uniqueness of its products and captures the interest. Les Bois Magnétiques (Magnetic Woods) adopts the generic description of what makes it unique. In an elegant formulation, it takes ownership of that category. This is the innovator advantage. Finally, the plural form clearly adds a wide range of distinctive products.


The name of the brand integrates in its core its main distinctive feature: the local origin. It answers, among others, the desire of environmentally awakened young parents concern with traceability and business ethics. Additionally, it notes that the origin guarantees tasty purees with essential qualities, starting with the real and authentic taste enjoyed by infants. Not being limited to the world of toddlers, it may support the extension of the range of purees to other age categories and products.


The name Sabiduria means wisdom in Spanish. It sounds great in the other two languages of the book. It is immediately followed by its translation in the three languages it puts forward. The name adds beauty to this beautiful book and increases its attractiveness among booksellers.


The name of the owner is combined to the vocation of the company. This personalized approach provides a homemade flavour to the product. Frank, direct and accurate, the consumer confidence increases thanks to a simple name and the accessibility to a manufacturer of quality. The name is so personal that it also leaves room for the owner to manage the production at will, which was a concern for her.


Interactivism: Social Media Identity Care. The name combines the client interest for activism to the notion of interactivity in social media. The subtitle emphasizes the personal attention she gives to Web identity services to entrepreneurs and users.


Specialized in postural rehabilitation home care, Alinéa Santé is managed by a dynamic and experienced professional. ‘Alinéa’ expresses the benefit of a corrected, harmonized and aligned situation. The word ‘health’ situates unambiguously the scope of services offered. The two words combined create the reassuring name of a company promising its customers to regain their health alignment. The idea is clear and precise as the quality care given.
