Frankoy D.A. | Sabiduria - Frankoy D.A.

Sabiduria / Case Study


Starting Point: The client is the author of a book composed of spiritual reflections inspired by her encounter with a Mayan naturalist guide and photographer in Yucatan (Mexico). The book is trilingual. It is illustrated with pictures taken by the Mayan guide. The name of the book is not found yet. The author seeks to reflect a great complicity between text and images to bring readers to contemplation.


Strategy: How can the trilingual content be turned into an advantage? How can the form and content stand out on the “spiritual” bookseller shelves?

Name: The book needs a charming name in three languages to ​​reflect a content expressing inspiring texts.

Product: How can the final product (format, layout and image processing) accommodate texts in three languages ​​of variable lengths and photos sometimes not taken to create a “a beautiful book”? How can a beautiful and intimate precious item be designed?


Strategy: The trilingual content becomes a central element in positioning the book. It gives access to three different markets and distinguishes itself from common “spiritual” books filling up the shelves of bookstores. As a “beautiful book/object of contemplation”, it further increases its attractiveness among booksellers. It can be both be read and admired and can even support language learning.

Name: The name Sabiduria means wisdom in Spanish. It sounds great in all three languages​​. It is immediately followed by its translation in the language it puts forward.

Product: Square format, hardcover, refined translation and printing, creative typography and photos: here is a book that exudes quality and serves its inspired content. You can read it or just watch it.