Frankoy D.A. | ScienceMasso - Frankoy D.A.

ScienceMasso / Case Study


Starting Point: Professor and senior practitioner in osteopathy, massage and acupuncture, Jacques Tétreault (D.AC., D.O., M.Th.) wishes to improve the impact of his videos in which he offers training to massage therapy practitioners in a unique approach he developed under the name Vision Masso.



Strategy: After determining the strengths and weaknesses of the current brand, its products and its features, problems are clearly seen. Is it possible to clarify the video training offer? How can the discovery of its product line be promoted? How far should the rebranding go to serve sales targets?

Name: Does the current name Vision Masso reflect the high level of qualification of this professional and the quality of the teachings?

Image: What image would be appropriate to reflect both theoretical and practical excellence in teaching this unique proven approach of massage therapy?


Strategy: A complete audit of the client and his current tools is made to define action priorities. A revision and updating process are undertaken both in terms of branding and product (videos). The website will be completely redesigned, and the organization of the teachings and communication will be radically clarified. Several courses will be shot again for a quick and logical learning.

Name: The name Masso Science reflects the high level of professionalism offered while keeping a clear specificity centred on offering massage therapy. The title is more accurate and credible. A subtitle identifies the purpose of the brand: video training in massage therapy.

Image: Rigorous without being rigid, the logo links science to a clinical approach. An accessible symbol evokes a focus point and an energy release. It subtly reminds the five fingers of the hand, a flower and an atom. The electric blue color evokes science combined with the colour of the skin to give a memorable result. An uppercase typography, assertive but gentle, complete this reassuring signature.